
The XML-RPC API is deprecated, and will be removed on July 1, 2023.

Please use the REST API instead.

Contact support if you need help with migration, or need the feature enabled on a transitional basis.


Before using the API, you'll need to create a user and make sure you have an XML-RPC client library installed.

Creating A User

Before you can use the API, you'll need to create a user in the ActionKit Admin ( If that link doesn't work, log in to ActionKit, select the Users tab, and select "Add staff user". )

We recommend creating a user with the username "api", but it's really up to you. Once you've created a new user, be sure to update the user with an email address to which you have access; the API code may send notifications and errors to this email.

The user will need "Superuser Status," but will not need "Admin Interface" enabled. We'll be adding a more specific API permission in the future.

You can test your new account using this Python snippet:

>>> from xmlrpc.client import Server
>>> UserNameYouCreated = "myusername"
>>> PasswordForUserYouCreated = "mypassword"
>>> YourActionKitHost = "act.example.org"
>>> actionkit = Server(f'https://{UserNameYouCreated}:{PasswordForUserYouCreated}@{YourActionKitHost}/api/')
>>> print ( actionkit.version() )
This is ActionKit ActionKit: 2.5.11 (development)

You can verify the credentials by trying to access the API application in your browser. If they are working you'll be able to login, if not you'll get a 401 Authorization Required message.

Once you've got that working, you're ready to go!

Getting an XML-RPC Library

To use the API, you'll need an XML-RPC client library installed. XML-RPC client libraries exist in many programming languages. The examples in these docs will be in Python, but should work with any conforming XML-RPC library.